pyDCOP file formats

DCOP file format

A DCOP definition is written in yaml-formatted files and must contains definitions for:

  • the objective (min or max)

  • variables , and their domains

  • constraints, which can be given as intentional or extensional constraints

  • agents

It can also contains the following optional elements:

See this sample annotated file for a quick description of the format: dcop_format.yml.


pyDCOP command line interface accepts DCOP given in several files, which will be concatenated before parsing the yaml (see cli the command options, for example solve).

This can be useful, for example when when you want to run the same of variables and constraints with different sets of agents ; you can simply write a single file for the variables and constraints and one file for each set of agents.

Distribution file format

In order to run a DCOP, one must also specify which agent is responsible for which variable (or, more generally, which agent will host which computation, see. computations distribution). In pyDCOP, we call this mapping a distribution and it can be described with a yaml file.

Yaml distribution files simply contains a map, where each key is an agent name and the corresponding value a list of computations hosted on this agent:

  a0: []
  a1: [v1, v2]
  a2: []
  a3: [v2, v3]

See this file for an sample distribution file : dist_format.yml.


pyDCOP command line interface accepts either a yaml distribution file or the name of a distribution algorithm. In the latter case, the distribution will be automatically generated for the DCOP using the requested method.

Replication file format

When using a resilient DCOP, computations are replicated on several agents. This replica distribution is generated using the replica_dist command and can also be given as a yaml file.

See this file for an replica distribution file : replica_dist_format.yml.

Scenario file format

To run a dynamic DCOP, you must also describe the events happening to the DCOP (agents leaving or entering the system, change of value for an non-decision variable, etc.). This is done is a scenario file, in yaml.

See this file for an sample scenario file : scenario_format.yml.