
PyDCOP runs on python >= 3.6. We recommend using pip and installing pyDCOP in a python venv:

python3 -m venv ~/pydcop_env
source ~/pydcop_env/bin/activate

Then you can simply install using pip:

git clone
cd pyDcop
pip install .

When developing on pyDCOP, for example to implement a new DCOP algorithm, one would rather use the following command, which installs pyDCOP in development mode with test dependencies:

pip install -e .[test]

To generate documentation, you need to install the corresponding dependencies:

pip install -e .[doc]

Additionally, for computations distribution, pyDCOP uses the glpk linear program solver, which must be installed on the system (as it is not a python library, which could be installed as a dependency by pip). For example, on an Ubuntu/Debian system:

sudo apt-get install glpk-utils


On many linux distribution, pip is not installed by default. On ubuntu for example, install using:

sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
sudo apt-get install python3-pip


When installing pyDCOP over many machines (or virtual machines), for a really distributed system, we recommend automating the process. We provide ansible playbook that can help you with this task. See the guide Provisioning pyDCOP on many machines.