pydcop generate secp

Generate a SECP.


pydcop generate secp
                  --lights <lights_counts>
                  --models <models_counts>
                  --rules <rules_count>
                  --capacity <capacity>
                  [--max_model_size <max_model_size>]
                  [--max_rule_size <max_rule_size>]


Generate a DCOP representing a SECP.

  • Each light has a random efficiency factor used to generate it’s cost function.

  • Each model involves at random from at most max_model_size lights.

  • Each rule involves at random for at most max_rule_size models and lights and sets a random target value for each of these elements.


--lights <lights_counts>

Number of lights in the SECP.

--models <models_counts>

Number of models in the SECP.

--rules <rules_counts>

Number of rules in the SECP.

--capacity <capacity>

capacity of an agent

--max_model_size <max_model_size>

The maximum number of lights involved in a model. Defaults to 3.

--max_rule_size <max_rule_size>

The maximum number of elements (lights and models) involved in a rule. Defaults to 3.


Generating a DCOP for a SECP with 10 lights, 3 models and 2 rules.:

pydcop generate secp --lights 10 --models 3 --rules 2