pydcop generate graphcoloring

Graph coloring benchmark problem generator


pydcop generate graphcoloring
              --variables_count <variables_count>
              --colors_count <colors_count>
              --graph <graph_type>
              [--p_edge <p_edge>]
              [--m_edge <m_edge>]


This command generates graph coloring problems, soft or hard, on several types of graphs.

Graph structures:

  • Random graph, based on the Erdős-Rényi model

  • Preferential attachment graph (scale free), based on the Barabási–Albert model

  • Grid graph


  • Graph coloring, with pseudo-hard constraint where a cost of 10000 is incurred for neighbors sharing the same color and 0 otherwise. These constraints can be expressed intentionally or extensively.

  • Weighted, or soft graph coloring, with soft constraints where the cost of a join assignment between two neighbors is a random cost, always expressed extensively.

Note: the generated DCOP is written to the standard output. To write it in a file, you can use the --output <file> global option.


--variables_count <variables_count> / -v <variables_count>

Number of variables in the problem. If the grid graph structure is used, this number MUST be a valid square side (i.e. \(\sqrt{v}\) must be an int).

--colors_count <colors_count> / -c <colors_count>

Number of colors for coloring the graph.

--graph <graph_type> / --g <graph_type>

Structure of the constraints graph. Can be random, scalefree or grid.


When generating the graph structure, we only keep graph with no disconnected sub-graph. When this flag is set no filtering is done and you may get disconnected sub-graphs.


If this flag is set, a weighted graph coloring problem is generated, otherwise a classical (pseudo-) hard graph coloring problem is generated.


If this flag is set, constraints are expressed intentionally, otherwise an extensive representation is used (by default). Intentional constraints can only be used for standard graph coloring problems.


If this flag is set, no agent definition is generated in the dcop file, otherwise one agent is created for each variable.

--p_edge <p_edge> / --p <p_edge>

Only used for random graph, probability for edge creation in the random Erdős-Rényi graph creation model.

--m_edge <m_edge> / --m <m_edge>

Only used for scale-free graph, number of edges to attach from a new variable in the preferential attachment Barabási–Albert graph model


Generating a random soft graph coloring problem with 10 variables:

pydcop generate graph_coloring --graph random  --variables_count 10 \
    --colors_count 3  --p_edge 0.5 --soft